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2015 Edition: With a New Preface, Afterword, and Updates.

"Alexandra Robbins rips into the secret, sordid underbelly of sororities."--Vanity Fair

Updated ten years after it is original publication, Pledged by Alexandra Robbins is as timely today as it was when first published. With salacious breaking news about fraternities and sororities shocking the general public (and members themselves) Pledged exposes what really goes on behind the facades of some of these Greek organizations. Robbins, an investigative journalist, went undercover as a sorority sister; her expose is a breathtaking narrative of tumultuous breakups, fights, drunk driving, stalkers, cover-ups, predation by faculty and staff, theft, rape, and an abundance of drugs and alcohol, and much, much more.

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pledge meaning in the cambridge english dictionary a serious or formal promise especially one to give money or to be aiend or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise to infinitive all the candidates have given/m pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected. thousands of people m pledges promised to give money to the charity campaign.

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pledge definition of pledge by oxford dictionary on a thing that is given as security for the fulfilment of a contract or the payment of abt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure. he had given the object as a pledge to a creditor

amazon pledged the secret life of sororities with salacious breaking news aboutaternities and sororities shocking the general public and members themselves pledged exposes what really goes on behind the facs of some of these greekanizations. robbins an investigative journalist went urcover as a sorority sister her expose is a breathtaking narrative of tumultuous breakups .


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