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Ethical Decision Making


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The purpose of this course is to assist healthcare professionals to define the predominant ethical theories and principles used in health care, determine any legal and regulatory implications, and in collaboration with their colleagues and patients/clients, make effective decisions that determine the appropriate course of treatment, or refusal of such, for and with those for whom they care. In addition, members of the public may use this course to enhance their personal knowledge of the subject matter presented. 

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 

1. Describe the history of ethics, specifically as it relates to the physician-patient relationship.

2. Identify the historical events, including three human experimentation studies, that brought about measures to ensure patient rights.

3. Discuss the Karen Ann Quinlan case as it influenced national and state healthcare policies.

4. Review the impact of the Nancy Cruzan case on healthcare delivery and policy.

5. State the purpose of the Patient Self- Determination Act (PSDA) of 1990 and the role of healthcare professionals.

6. Differentiate between the types of advance directives.

7. Discuss national ethical standards frameworks and their relationship to ethical decision making for patients.

8. Define terminology regarding bioethics, including the seven principles guiding medical ethical decision making.

9. Compare the five ethical theories as they relate to healthcare.

10. Review the basics of forming an analytical ethical framework.

11. Identify appropriate uses of ethical frameworks in the healthcare professional's practice.

12. Outline Kohlberg's six stages of moral development and their importance in understanding ethical decision making from a psychologic perspective.

13. Describe the complex ethical issues facing healthcare professionals today.

14. Describe elements of a usable policy statement and guidelines for ethical decision making in patient care.

15. Analyze the three case studies presented at the end of the study and identify the steps to resolve the ethical dilemma described in each.

This 15-hour continuing education course is available for download for professional development; if continuing education credit is desired, please see instructions included in eBook.

Download Ethical Decision Making Book

how to practice ethical decision making at work ethicalcision making is the process in which you aim to make yourcisions in line with a c of ethics. to do so you must seek out resources such as professional gulines andanizational policies and rule out any hical solutions to your problem. making ethicalcisions is easier said than done.
a framework for ethical decision making markkula center making good ethicalcisions requires a trained sensitivity to ethical issues and a practiced method for exploring the ethical aspects of acision and weighing the consrations that should impact our choice of a course of action. having a method for ethicalcision making is absolutely essential.

ethical decision making cfa institute ethical decisionmaking program this online course which is hosted in the cfa institute ethics learning lab helps you navigate ethical situations using the ethical decisionmaking framework. youll be presented with realworld scenarios and case studies in an online platform that allows you to interact with your peers and study at your own pace.

ethical decision making markkula center for applied ethics ethical decision making resources prov an introduction to basic as in applied ethics such as utilitarianism rights justice virtue and themon good. we also look at foundational questions such as what is ethics? and can ethics be taught?

ethical decision making mls and 6 steps of ethical an ethicalcisionmaking ml is aamework that lers use to bring these principles to thepany and ensure they are followed. importance of ethical standards part 1 ethical decisionmaking ml approach part 2 ethical decisionmaking process part 3

making ethical decisions process ethicalcisionmaking refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles. in making ethicalcisions it is necessary to perceive and eliminate hical options and select the best ethical alternative. the process of making ethicalcisions requires

ethics in decision making ethicalcision making will be reserved for use in a groupcision making context. specifically we will address ethicalcision making in business as providing the guiding requirements or goals for right conduct. these requirements oftene as the result ofanizationalfinition agreement or longstanding custom.

five steps to better ethical decision making psychology 2 step one in making an ethicalcision is to gather the facts. try to be as neutral as possible inscribing those facts bearing in mind how inclined we all are to distortingrmation to.

steps of the ethical decision making process ethical decision making process 1. 2. gather the facts 3. define the ethical issues 4. ntify the affected parties stakehors 5. ntify the consequences 6. ntify the obligations principles rights justice 7. consr your character and integrity 8. think creatively about potential actions 9. check your gut


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