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Health and Wellness for Life


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Health on Demand and Health and Wellness for Life provide professors teaching general-ed health courses the option to customize their student textbooks to match their syllabi. With a custom Health on Demand text, your students pay for only the material you'll actually cover in class, plus you can match the text's content to the unique needs of your setting. The standard text, Health and Wellness for Life, offers a ready-made option for those looking for a textbook that covers all the essential personal health topics for the general student population.

Both options feature content developed by 15 veteran health educators and organized into a cohesive course text by Human Kinetics, a publisher with more than 30 years of experience in providing top-quality information resources to the fields of health and physical education and to the various kinesiology subdisciplines.

The standard text includes 16 chapters of the topics most often covered in a general-education health course. Or you can choose from a total of 23 chapters to ensure your text includes the material that is most important for your students. For those electing to customize a text, new chapters will be offered as they are developed to expand your options even further.

Student-friendly textbook features make reading and learning more enjoyable
Both the standard text Health and Wellness for Life and the customizable Health on Demand text include the following student-friendly features:

- A conversational tone used throughout the book makes it accessible and relevant for any student.

- Discussion and assessment questions, quizzes, surveys, hypothetical scenarios, and learning objectives add interest to the textbook and help students retain what they've learned.

- A look at the effect of gender and ethnicity on health issues makes learning more personal for each individual.

- Special focus on timely and controversial issues encourages students to think critically about media and advertising.

- Special elements on steps for behavioral change and the mind–body connection show students how to take action to address health issues to improve mental and physical health.

- A glossary of terms defines concepts presented in each chapter.

- Several application activities for each chapter engage students' critical-thinking skills.

- The online student resource provides additional information, links, and tools that expand on topics from the text.

Complete coverage of important concepts
The standard textbook covers these important topics:

-Fitness, nutrition, and weight management

-Mental health and stress management

-Relationships, reproductive choices, and pregnancy and childbirth

-Health promotion, chronic diseases, and prevention of infectious diseases

-Consumer health and alternative medicine, environmental health, and substance abuse and dependency

-Healthy aging and wellness throughout life

The customizable text from the Health on Demand series allows you to select the chapters you'll actually use, with options on how sensitive topics such as abortion are treated. Alternative chapters cover topics such as these:

-Body Composition

-Musculoskeletal Health

-Cardiovascular Health

-Injury Prevention and First Aid

-Death and Dying


-Reproductive Choices (without abortion)

Professors may select any combination of chapters from the standard book and optional chapters and have them placed in any order in the final textbook. Professors can also write their own foreword or add a chapter (subject to Human Kinetics' review and approval), and information on campus-specific health resources (such as the campus health center, phone numbers, and other resources). The cover can be customized with a photo of tthe professor's choosing (such as a campus landmark or school mascot), or a school name or logo can appear on the cover. Professors can even create their own title for the textbook.

Complete ancillaries help instructors implement the course
Whether you choose the standard textbook Health and Wellness for Life or choose to customize your own Health on Demand book for course instruction, you will receive access to a complete set of ancillaries tailored to match the book you've selected. The ancillaries include the following features:

- Presentation package with more than 500 PowerPoint lecture slides covering all available chapters

- Test package with more than over 500 multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions covering the content from all chapters

- Online student resource includes extended discussions of topics related to the content of each chapter, answers to review questions from the textbook, and definitions of terms used in each chapter

Human Kinetics makes custom publishing for health education a reality with reliable information in a style students will love and the ability to tailor content to meet specific needs. With Health and Wellness for Life and Health on Demand, you can help your students create their paths to lifelong well-being.

Download Health and Wellness for Life Book

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